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The Truth Project

In this "position statement," "The Truth Project" is described.

As discussed on The Truth Project web site (see below), in a study performed by the Barna Research Group in 2003 it was revealed that only 9 percent of professing Christians have a Biblical worldview. Because of this, many of today's Christians live very similarly to non-believers. In response, The Truth Project was developed to educate Christians as to the implications of the Christian faith: to develop a Christian worldview. The Truth Project is a DVD-based curriculum made up of 13 one-hour sessions taught by Dr. Del Tackett. Each lesson discusses in detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life. The topics discussed are very wide ranging: truth, ethics, the nature of man, the nature of God, science and Christianity, history, sociology, man's potential relationship with God, God and the state, the United States of America, labor, community. Many Christians have not so much as realized that Christianity has much to say about all of these topics. The DVDs are very professionally produced, Del Tackett does an excellent job, along with guests, of presenting the material, and this Project, introduced in 2006, has been very well received by many. There are over 44,000 registered leaders of Truth Project small groups, over 3,000,000 have been trained in over 100 countries, and there are some 1,200 active small groups. Nevertheless, as can perhaps be seen on the internet, not everyone is enthusiastic about The Truth Project. This is to be expected, since anything that is effective will have its detractors.

It should be noted, however, that The Truth Project is not intended to be of apologetic or evangelistic use. The intended audience is professing Christians, and the purpose is education in the implications of Christianity to all areas of life. It should also be noted that it does not explicitly teach Christian doctrine or theology, although such is implied or assumed. The implied Christian position of Dr. Tackett and others featured in the series is conservation, evangelical Christianity.

It should also be noted that The Truth Project DVD series is intended to take place in a small group home setting, facilitated by a trained leader. It is not intended for individuals, nor a Sunday School class setting, nor for large groups. The stated three objectives are (1) deep transformation, (2) intimate fellowship, and (3) multiplication. Probably (1) is the most important, but it is not independent from (2). Deep transformation hopefully will occur from a much fuller appreciation of what Christianity is and how it very significantly should influence our whole world view. This requires not only viewing the DVD presentations, but also being challenged by questions from the leader, discussions within the small group of attendees, and reflecting on supportive material (video clips from the DVD presentations, new supportive video clips, lesson guides, outlines, recommended reading, biographies, etc.) available online to registered participants (to register, go to the web site below and click on "Login" and then click on "register here!"). What is also very helpful is the The Truth Project Study Guide, published in 2012 and available from Amazon, Christianbook, etc. What can be very helpful is (2), intimate fellowhip, as The Truth Project proceeds. The support and encouragement of others in the group may likely be essential to getting the most out of the Project. And (3), multiplication, is essential for the greatest impact upon our society. The idea is that perhaps two or three within each small group will be motivated after The Truth Project DVD series is completed to attend a leader training conference or obtain online training, and then initiate a new Truth Project small group themselves.

If, after viewing some of the information on The Truth Project web site, you decide that you would like to be a participant in a Truth Project small group, what should you do? First, click on "Join A Small Group" on The Truth Project web site home page, and see if there is a registered small group in your area. You could also ask friends, or your pastor, etc., to see if they know of a small group already in existence. If these suggestions don't work, and you are really motivated, or if you have attended a small group in the past, you may want to consider initiating a small group yourself, or get someone you think would be a good candidate to do so. From the web site you may see if an upcoming training seminar will be in your area, or you, or your recruited candidate, may take the "Online Leader Training" available from the web site.

The Truth Project web site is located at the following URL: